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Top Running Cranes

Ely Crane & Hoist can supply standard or custom designs for all applications and services.

The overhead bridge crane is a vital link in the chain of high production and manufacturing processes. Its efficiency and reliability are critical to bottom-line production goals. The crane's role is often overlooked by engineers and production planners.

Reliability can only be achieved through proper design, coupled with quality construction. Speed and precise load control are major factors in crane efficiency. The importance of these factors cannot be overemphasized. When its performance is crucial to production, the crane ceases to be an auxiliary tool and assumes its rightful place as a production line machine.

Only cranes with a built-in "plus factor" can give you that extra margin of capability and reliability needed to meet production requirements. In all types of industrial applications ELY cranes have proven their ability to establish operational standards greater than all-out production capacity. ELY experience, technical expertise and quality construction assure you "plus performance" operations - fast precise, safe, dependable.


Class "D", "E" and "F" Service

Maximum Speeds for Optimum Operation
Conservative Design for Extended Life and Durability
NEMA rated Magnetic or Inverter/Vector Controls
Precision fit for Unequaled Performance
Choose from Cab, Pendant, Remote or Radio Control
Built-in Weighing Systems Available
Rotating or Locking Hook Arrangements


Scrap Handling Cranes
Coil Handling Cranes
Steel Warehouse Cranes
Pickling Line Cranes
Ely Gear Box
Class "F" Crane Trolley

Ely Crane & Hoist Co.
8171 Tyler Boulevard
Mentor, OH 44060

Phone 440-205-0060
Fax: 440-205-0065



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